Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Determining Factor

I look back at my secondary school days with nostalgia. The prominent subject mathematics and the phobia it carries still amazes me. We had math’s lessons every day. Students generally preferred to receive the lectures in the early part of the day. They claim their brain was more receptive then.

Students usually proceeded to the senior category based on their perception of mathematics. The student may opt for arts, sciences commerce or social science. If you are good in mathematics then you may be a good engineering material…if you are not good in mathematics then law may be your consideration. People with math skills are termed to be analytical.

In retrospect, I think mathematics is a very cheap course. We follow steps and procedure to arrive at the answer. I am of the opinion that courses like history, languages, government etc are more mentally challenging! The difference between students and their performance in mathematics is largely a function of their interest and practice. Individual perspective creates the divide.

In the larger society, what then is the determining factor?

The combination of multiple variables produces an output. Factors like, interest, hard work, motivation, opportunities, relationships, governance, location etc manipulated accordingly can birth success. Manipulation is switching between an unwanted position to your desired position. All this variables are available to all and sundry. Somebody said “we cannot all be a celebrity but we can all be great”. Greatness is from inside out. What do you have on the inside that you can draw out? My police friend will say wetin you carry?

What you carry may not be unique to you but your manner of presentation and delivery is peculiar to you. You may call it personal style or flavor. People will remember you if you are the first, best or different. Your beats has to be unique….personal…innovative. It should reflect your individuality. Something new has a way of attracting attention of the great and mighty. You need to stand out, stand tall. If your cv is in a pack of 100 will it be the one to be taken. If you go for an interview with 500hundred other candidates, will you be shortlisted.
Watch out for opportunities the crowd (masses) is rushing into. In fact that the masses are moving into a particular opportunity may suggest it’s time to opt out.

Music World
Any Artist who creates a niche in the music industry themselves ends up as super stars. Check out DBang, Nice, Lagabaja, Sunny Ade, Obey, Sunny Nneji etc. They all sing with unique style. Do not be afraid to innovate, improvise and do things slightly different from the norm. A new style is first strange before it becomes the fad.

Initiate the next fad.

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