Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lessons from the Super Eagles

• Numbers don’t count; (Nigeria, the most populous black nation on earth did not qualify for the Nation’s cup. Many smaller black Nations made it.)
• Big names don’t count; (We have many players with big names. Niger republic don’t have one big name that I know of yet they made it)
• Income don’t count; (The Super Eagles winning bonus was far greater than their opponents)
• History don’t count; (The last time we failed to qualify was 25 years ago did not matter. Niger had never qualified before yet they made it)
• War, Disasters don’t count; (Libya and Sudan are testimonies, yet they made it)

What is your excuse for not achieving results or not even trying at all? People who have lesser resources and opportunities than you do are trying and surprisingly, they are making it too. Don’t let inadequate capital or dominant competitors scare you. Guinea did not let Nigeria scare her from picking up the Nation’s cup ticket. That you are small could be an advantage. That you are the underdog means you could spring surprises by working harder and not relying on past accomplishment.

What counts?
• Planning
• Preparation
• Organization
• Teamwork
• Dedication
• Discipline
• Huge desire or hunger to win
When you miss out on something big, do you waste precious time mourning the loss? I would rather you reach out to the next big thing by stepping up your planning and preparation.

In sports, there will always be more spectators than players. In the society there will be more complainers than people taking corrective/remedial actions. There is so much money in sports. The players, journalist, advertisers of products and services, sales of branded club merchandise, etc.

The spectators also “benefit”. They ease their tension and relax (What of when their clubs loses?). They also get high and excited when their clubs or teams record victory. However, the success of Barcelona will not/never substitute for victory in your personal life.

Don’t just continue to spectate, strive and excel so you can win others applaud.

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