Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Moment of Happiness

I am generally a very happy fellow. However been with Family and friends makes me super happy. The picture above represents a cross section of my friends. I call them Connected Family. You never have a dull moment when you are in there company.

Talking about hapiness. lets learn from the dictum of the great golfer, Babe Zacharias (June 26, 1911 – September 27, 1956). Her husband wanted to be strong for her when she was on her death bed and dying of cancer but he could not control his emotions and began to cry. Babe said to him gently with as much strength as she could muster - "now honey, don't take on so. While I have been in the hospital, I have learnt one thing. A moment of happiness is a life time, and I have had a lot of happiness".

Now i need to mention someone else who makes me happy daily. My best friend. Perhaps i wont even mention her but display her. After all a picture is worth more than a thousand words.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That make part of a LEGEND i.e Hapiness, it makes u work freely, payin serious attention 2 what is important