Wednesday, December 06, 2006

characteristics of the intraprenuer final

The number of people who get fired or eased out because they’re not liked by others is enormous. Having a human touch - sensitivity and communication skills – can be the difference between the good Intraprenuers and the great ones. They know that people have untapped reserves of performance and find ways to unlock it for the benefit of the organisation. Intraprenuers choose their association memberships and functions carefully so that they only participate in those likely to be a source of business. That makes them think creative and allows them to think out of the box in addressing issues within the organizations on their client’s behalf.

 Intraprenuers always view things from the long run perspective. The long-range view over short-term expediency wins every time, particularly when it comes to searching for the ideal candidate for a high-profile position. This is one area where the intraprenuers takes the led. Taking the decision to do the right thing, rather than the expedient thing, may create some short-term pain – but ultimately the company will reap the financial and emotive long-term rewards of its good business methods

 Successful intraprenuers have a sense of urgency about working their plan because they know that if they fall too far behind it will be very difficult to catch up. They stay late when they have to and ask to leave early when they are caught up. Their sense of urgency is focused and directed not just a sense of urgency about activity, any activity. In intrapreneurship: The best decision is the perfect decision and you may never have sufficient information or time to to take it. The next best decision is close enough and you can always adjust course as you go And the worst decision of all is to continue to study, or form a committee which so often translates to the "safe no” and therefore doing nothing. Do you think like an intraprenuer?

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