Thursday, October 12, 2006

Be Fruitful and Multiply

One major feature of marriages in developing nations is the presence of many children. Inspite of the impoverished condition of the people, they so ahead and have far more number of children they can nurture and cater for adequately. One old man said the chicken is blessed with many chicks, and yet they do not go hungry. He adds further that the God that caters for the hen’s chicks will cater for my eleven children.
I paused to ponder on the old man’s assertion I then decided to pose a few questions to him. Are we humans and animals endowed with the same level of intelligence? Are we supposed to take steps with out thinking if we will be able to cope with the consequence? The creator had endowed us with the ability to ‘choose’. Choice is a gift of God and we are supposed to use it with discretion.
Animals usually have heat periods or mating periods. The period when a particular species of animals can conceive is about the same. This is not so with humans. Humans generally can conceive at any period in the year. I believe nature made it so because we have been endowed with the power of choice.
Another person supports his having many children with a pass age from the holy writ. “Be fruitful and multiply”. Come to think of it, is having many children the only way to follow that scriptural instruction? Are you mentally fruitful? Can other people’s income multiply because of your creativity? The same holy writ says ‘a good father leaves inheritance for his grand children”. Try to obey this injunction too. Develop your mind to the extent that you can convert your intellectual property to physical wealth.
I personally believe that 75% of our personal problems are avoidable, 25% are unavoidable but can be solved. The avoidable 75% are more difficult to solve because they are self created. Your situation can change if only you yourself is willing to change. Focus you attention on birthing ideas that can solve problems for others and thereby create income for you. Give birth to children. But much more importantly birth solutions.
(“Many children perpetuated poverty” Yoruba Proverb)

1 comment: said...

A new angle, i'll like to know exactly how yoruba puts the proverb though. do something about that