Friday, October 20, 2006


We all want to achieve great feats in our life. Greatness is achieved when we handle seemingly mundane tasks with special care. Doing small task in a great way brings out greatness in you. Greatness like success can be elusive. If all you are out for is greatness then you will discover that it is abstract. Greatness is therefore the resultant effect of doing our very best in our area of interest and bringing sunshine into the life’s of others.

Paraphrasing what Viktor frankl, the great Austrian psychiatrist, said ‘greatness, like happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue….as the unintended side effect of ones personal dedication to a cause greater than one self’ .Commitment to Radical ideas is a major way to attain greatness. Pursue those ideas of yours that has not gotten a hearing elsewhere. I understand that it may not be easy. Yet greatness can spring forth from your present lack and pain.

I want you to know that greatness is inherent within you. Yanni the legendary jazz musician said ‘greatness is not in money, power or possession but in truth, kindness, simplicity, compassion and creativity. If you have this understanding then you will realize that you are not disadvantage. Greatness is accessible to all and sundry

Greatness however is not without a price. You must be willing to give up something to become your best. You must be willing to be patient. Give your dreams realistic time frames. You must be willing to say no even when it hurts. You must embrace self denial.

Rick Jorner said ‘everyone who has had a positive impact on human history has given more importance to the product or purpose than to personal fulfillment’. He adds that you must have a focus upon something beyond yourself. The reason is because something that is greater than yourself has the power to turn even the mundane into a powerful vehicle for human advancement.

Greatness does not result from wanting to be great, but by the determination to take something out of ourselves to greater heights. When we help people to rise, we will never be low. We can only do this when we understand people, love them and help them to believe in themselves.

Read what Jesus said in the following scriptures: Matt 18 vs. 4 therefore who ever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matt 5 vs. 19b but whoever does and teaches my commandment, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matt20vs.27 and whoever desires to be great among you let him be your servant. Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom to many. From the statements of Jesus it’s obvious that you become great not by what is done for you but by what you do for others.

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