Monday, October 16, 2006


We don’t know what we are missing until we have ‘it’. We do not know the value of what we have until we lose it. What do you think about those two statements? If we have been missing something before we got it, why then should we have to lose it be fore we start valuing it? Some of us can go to any length to get a woman to be our wife but what happens after you are married? You can discipline yourself to get a job but what happens afterwards? Perhaps you can read like “mad” to gain admission into a higher institution and then relax when you get in. Taking someone for granted simply means acting as though the other person does not have options.

The truth is that it requires at least the same amount of input to sustain a process to initialize it. In relationships we tend to be eager and willing to please the person we are courting his or her attention. The subsequent reduction or with drawal of attention and affection usually have far reaching effects. On our part it’s not that we don’t like the person anymore but somehow we take the person for granted. I want you to realize that indifference or non-challant attitude could be approximated to dislike. Your apparent lack of concern for your spouse will become a major concern to her. Don’t allow your love to wax cold by your inaction.

Passion doesn’t just grow or goes by itself. It is activated or deactivated. Don’t tell me you don’t know how you became indifferent to you job. Can you remember when you were chasing the job in the first place? You had expectations. You had dreams to accomplish then. Now do you still have expectation when you go to work? If it was just the remuneration that attracted you in the first place then quit the job. Money cannot replace the happiness derived from enjoying the work you do. That’s why your work must be an area of your interest. Your goal should be taking the profession to a higher level than you met it.

If you do not want to lose your prized possession to those who are courting it with dedicated attention then your must start chasing it again. Remember the flowers, cards, gifts and meals out or the indept study, Internet browsing and seminars you used to attend to keep abreast of development. Get back to it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oga o you should load this up with working class singles. visit when u're chanced.
keep this up and you'll be on deolu's blog sooner than u think